My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance

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The book My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance was written by author Here you can read free online of My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance a good or bad book?
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What reading level is My Werewolf Professor: Belonging to Alessandro Moretti: Billionaire New Adult College Shifter Romance book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

It was her again. In the past, he was able – barely – to ignore the inexplicable tug of attraction he felt for her, a girl who wasn’t really his type. But with the mood he was in right now?  He might just succumb to his most basic urges and enter a relationship that humans like her considered forbidden. Taboo.
Then again, he wasn’t human.  There was another knock on the door.
He toyed with the idea of ignoring it, for both their sakes.  But then she knocked more loudly. “I know you’re in there,
He was known to be a serious man, one who rarely smiled, but hearing an 18-year-old girl speak to him like he was the one trying to hide from her made Alessandro smile.
With it, he made his decision, and he heard himself saying, “Come in.”
She entered the room, her every step enhanced with an unconsciously sensual grace that brought his cock to attention. His nostrils flared at the scent of her arousal, which was tinged with the sweet fragrance of infatuation. The scent circulated in the room, swirling around him like an invisible net of seduction.

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