Myths And Folk Lore of Ireland

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We '11 tell him that you are Fin MacCumhail, monarch of Erin ; that we have been shipwrecked, and ask for a night's shelter." Fin consented at last, and with the Knight of the Full Axe landed, drew the boat on shore, and went to the king's castle. There was noise and tumult; great crowds of people had come to do honor to the king's daughter. Never before had such preparations been made in that kingdom.
The Knight of the Full Axe knocked at the door, and asked admission for himself and Fin Fin M
...acCumhail. 237 MacCumhail, monarch of Erin, shipwrecked on that shore. (The country was north of Erin, far out in the sea.) The attendants said : " No strangers may enter here, but there is a great house further on; go there and welcome." The house to which they were directed was twenty-one miles long, ten miles wide, and about five miles distant from the castle ; inhabited by the strangest men in the world, body-guards of the king, fed from the king's house, and a terrible feeding it was, — human flesh.

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Myths And Folk Lore of Ireland
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