Nation And State : a Text-Book On Civil Government

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Nation And State : a Text-Book On Civil Government
G M George Morris Philips
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New States may he admitted hy the Congress into this Union; hut no new State shall he formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other State, nor any State he formed hy the junction of two or mxyre States, or THE STATED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION 161 parts of States, without the consent of the LeffiskUures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
Admitting New States. The admission of new States is entirely in the hands of Congress. A Territory is not required to reach a certain po
...pulation before it becomes a State.
Although a considerable population and general intelligence are supposed to fit a Territory for Statehood, yet the probable politics of the additional Senators and Representatives that they would bring into Congress have in the past had most influence for or against the admission of new States.
Nevada was admittted in 1864 with a population of some sixty tiiou- sand, and Wyoming in 1890 with about the same population. But Oklahoma with a population of more than four hundred thousand was refused admission in 1903.

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