Necroscope 9: the Lost Years

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Harry’s father died of a stroke a year later, and in the winter of 1960 his mother remarried, this time to a Russian dissident, Viktor Shukshin. In the winter of ‘63 Shukshin murdered Harry’s mother by drowning her under the ice of a frozen river; he escaped punishment by alleging that while skating she’d crashed through the thin crust and been washed away. Shukshin inherited her isolated Bonnyrig house and the not inconsiderable monies left to her by her first husband.
Within six months the you Harry ‘Keogh’ had gone to live with an uncle and his wife at Harden on the northeast coast of England, an arrangement that was more than satisfactory to Viktor Shukshin, who could never stand the child.
Harry commenced schooling with the roughneck kids of the colliery; but a dreamy and introspective sort of boy, he was a loner, developed few friendships - not with his fellow pupils, anyway - and thus fell easy prey to bullying. Later, as he grew towards his teens, Harry’s daydreaming spirit, psychic insights and instincts led him into further conflict with his teachers.

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Necroscope 9: the Lost Years
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