Necroscope: Harry And the Pirates: And Other Tales From the Lost Years

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It was an ancient Thing, and these woods had been its habitat for millennia. Upon a time centuries ago, a handful of its long-lived kind had dwelled in these selfsame woods, until all but this one had died in a vengeful fire.
The last of its species, the Thing was as weird as can be, but then again the sweet rains and dark plasms of earth—and on occasion the salty juices and nutrients of other than clay-cold soil—have nurtured myriad bizarre species on the three-billion-year-old paths of evoluti
...on; while fires, usually but not always natural, have destroyed a great many more.
The Thing had intelligence that was more instinct; it was “sentient” in ways totally alien to men; it had nothing in the form of true emotions, except perhaps the frustration of loneliness and—in times of necessity, and others of ungovernable urges, when it sought out and fed lustfully upon certain alternatives to the bland nutrients of soil and leaf-mould—something of the awful pleasure derived from indulging its needs.

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Necroscope: Harry And the Pirates: And Other Tales From the Lost Years
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