Necroscope: the Mobius Murders

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Then:“Oh!” he said, jerking upright, stiff-backed in his swivel-chair, as first the right foot and leg, followed by the rest of the Necroscope’s person, stepped out of otherwise thin air into his office on the far side of the desk.“Hello, Darcy,” said Harry, nodding a greeting as he tossed his For-Your-Eyes-Only envelope onto the desk within easy reach of the other. And glancing casually, perhaps a little sardonically around the office, he then said, “Don’t take it personally, but I can’t say I ...ever much liked this place—not so much your office but the building, E-Branch itself. E-Branch: gadgets and ghosts, right? In a way it’s too much like me, if you know what I mean…too close to me. It’s like I can feel your agents in my head, as if I’m sensing their proximity. And perhaps I am.”“You mean like they sense yours?” Darcy answered. “Even as we speak there’ll be a small handful of them out there who know you’re here without ever being told!”“Yes, I know,”

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Necroscope: the Mobius Murders
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