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Now, this was a surprise. “Hello, Agent Giusti.”“I heard you and Agent Savich have already been assigned another high-profile case, the stabbing in the Rayburn Building. You’ve got half of us proud of you, the other half jealous.”“We try our best,” Sherlock said. She wasn’t about to elaborate. Her mind had been turning in circles since Savich had told her what had happened to him. “What can I do for you, Agent Giusti?”When Giusti finally spoke, the words sounded like she was having to pry them o...ut of her mouth with pliers. “The terrorist at JFK—Nasim Conklin—as you know. He won’t talk with us, refuses to speak with anyone but you. So I need you to come up to New York immediately.”“I’ve seen you in action, Agent Giusti. You’ll get Conklin to beg to talk to you, no doubt in my mind.”“You’d think, right?” Again, a pause. “Look, I know you’re busy with your current case, but I’m ready to throw in the towel. My boss is, too. We have to get Nasim to talk, Agent Sherlock, and it looks like you’re it.”Sherlock didn’t want to leave Dillon, not after last night.

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