Nepenthe (Bracing for Love #2)

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Only a handful of things scare me. Olivia's driving is crazy, reckless, and scares me the hell out of me. I lose count of how many times my arms fly out to the dashboard, like I can prevent us from crashing. She hits the brakes at the last minute, coming within inches of the car in front of us at a stoplight, and travels too close at all times. Her turns are sharp and she speeds like a demon running from hell. We could die at any moment. I need to find a way to drive us back home, so we can get ...there alive. Someone needs to think of our safety. When she puts her car in park, I take a deep sigh of relief. Olivia laughs.
“Maybe I should have warned you about my driving.”
“You think?”
“I've never been in a wreck or had any close calls, so you were safe.”
I meet her around the front of the car. “Our definition of close calls must be different, because you had five on the way here.”
She laughs again. “You must still be drunk, because we didn't have a single one,” she jokes as we walk into the pancake restaurant.

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Nepenthe (Bracing for Love #2)
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