Never Been Kissed

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The book Never Been Kissed was written by author Here you can read free online of Never Been Kissed book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Never Been Kissed a good or bad book?
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Jay-sus. Cora huffed her way up the fire escape stairs, her arms full of food.
You gotta get in shape, honey. You can’t even climb stairs without needing a nap halfway up.
Though in her defense she was carrying probably forty pounds of food.
I might have overdone it with the jars of soup. And the loaf of bread. The bottle of wine was probably a mistake, too. Of course, not if they offered her a glass.
Right foot. Left foot. Stop for a breath.
This had been quite a day. The thing with her mom. Se And seeing that bruised girl with Brody had just sent her spinning right back into the past.
It was as if she’d been knocked loose from her life, the routine and rhythm that dictated her days were out of whack.
With a sixth sense she guessed she was at the top of the stairs, and with her arms full, she reached out with her foot to kick the bottom of the door. No response.
Oh come on, she thought. There was no way she was taking this food back down the stairs. She turned sideways to look in the window, see if she could find some sign of life.

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