Never Swim in Applesauce

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The book Never Swim in Applesauce was written by author Here you can read free online of Never Swim in Applesauce book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Never Swim in Applesauce a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Never Swim in Applesauce book?
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“My baby’s fainted!” Coco’s mom cried.
Everyone crowded around to see what a fainted person looked like.
“Give her air!” Abe cried.
Wyatt looked at Coco. Then he looked at me.
“Let me see that ball,” he repeated.
“No way!” I said. “It’s my sister’s.”
Wyatt grabbed for the ball.
I turned and ran.
Nobody paid any attention. On account of Coco was busy fainting.
I zipped into the applesauce room to get away from Wyatt.
But he was right behind me.
A giant, loud machine was smushing apples.
Another o was stirring a huge tub of apple stuff.
It smelled sweet and cinnamony.
“Step away from the applesauce!” a loudspeaker voice yelled. “STEP AWAY FROM THE APPLESAUCE!”
I stopped running.
Wyatt tried to stop running too.
But he skidded on a slick spot.
Applesauce, probably.
He slid right into me.
Hazel’s magic fortune-telling ball went flying.
Straight into the giant tub of applesauce.
It sank like a little red submarine.
“NO!” I screamed. “The magic ball!”

What to read after Never Swim in Applesauce?
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Never Swim in Applesauce
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