New Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon)

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Rylie wasn’t sure if she was imagining it or not, but Seth and Abel weren’t looking at each other. They didn’t speak—not even once—the entire time they were in the car.Gwyn met them by the Chevelle. She hugged Rylie first, but she embraced Seth extra tightly, too.“What’s the word?” she asked.Rylie didn’t bother sugarcoating it. Not for someone like Gwyn. “We found Isoba dead. There are hunters after us, and we need to prepare for the worst.”Her aunt didn’t even blink.“Possible war, huh? I’ll hau...l out the spare lumber in case we need to block the windows. Dinner is cooking. Check on it in five minutes, unless you want your meat burned.”She headed down to the shed, and Seth followed. “I’ll help you.”Rylie suppressed a smile. If she had been the hunters, she would have thought twice about attacking anywhere that Aunt Gwyn was protecting.After a moment, Abel and Rylie were alone aside from the bees and the summer heat. He stared at a fixed point on the horizon, expression unreadable.“What are we going to do?”

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New Moon Summer (Seasons of the Moon)
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