New York's Chinatown; An Historical Presentation of Its People And Places

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New York's Chinatown; An Historical Presentation of Its People And Places
Beck, Louis Joseph, 1867- [from Old Catalog]
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There are nine different forms of indulgence in opium, namely: smoking, gum eating, opium ashes eating, opium pill eating, prepared opium eating, laudanum drinking, morphine eating, the use of morphine solution, and the hypodermic injection of opium.
In 1840 about 20,000 pounds of opium were con- sumed in the United States; in 1880 the consumption had increased to 533,450 pounds. In 1868 there were about 90,000 opium eaters in the country; now, they number over 500,000. More women than men are dicted to the eating of opium. The vice is one so easily acquired, so easily practiced in private, and so difficult of detection, that it presents ])eculiar temptations and is very insidious. The relief from pain that it gives, and the peculiar exaltation of spirits, easily lead the victim to believe that the use of it is beneficial. Opium and Chloral are to-day the most deadly foes of women.
Tliere are about twenty or more places in Chinatown in which opium is sold in twenty-five and fifty-cent por- tions, which means about 10 to 16 "fun'' (a fun is one candareen).

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