New Zealand of To-Day

Cover New Zealand of To-Day
New Zealand of To-Day
John Bradshaw
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The objection would be vaUd, if the expenditure could not be justified ; but as to that there can be no manner of doubt. Allusion has already been made to the great increase which of late years has taken place in the deposits at the Post Office savings 334 New Zealand of To-day, banks, and in tke value of both real estate and personalty — beneficial results which have been shown to be mainly due to the multiplication of farms and an increased export of agricultural products. But neither of thes...e influences directly affects the spending capacity of the great majority of those who dwell in the larger towns, or explains the present condition of trade, manu- factures, and mining.
In a country where Trade and Labour Con- gresses and Protection Associations are clamour- ing for a more protective tarifl*, most people would be apt to conclude that the trading and manufacturing interests were so handicapped by foreign competition as to be unable to pay their way, or at least that they were at a standstill.

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