
Cover Nightmare
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Mom is seconds away from calling 911 when I cave and tell her the truth.“It's because,” excruciating pain, “he left.” More excruciating pain. “Oh, god.” The pain is so bad I have to run to the sink and puke. Good thing my hair is up.“Baby, you're sick. We need to take you to the hospital.” She looks so worried, but I'm in so much pain I don't have room for much else than that.I can barely turn the sink on to wash out my mouth.“Is there any way you can get him to come back?” She pushes a few stra...nds of hair back from my sweaty face.“No, he doesn't have a phone.” When did talking get so hard?“He should probably get one if this is going to happen.” I want to scream because it might make me feel better, but I can't get enough air in to do it.“Come on, let's get to the couch.” She barely has enough strength to get us from the kitchen to the couch. We sort of cruise over, me hunched like a little old lady. I never thought sitting down would be so impossible. “Have you taken anything?”“A little while ago.”

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