Nightmare City

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The book Nightmare City was written by author Here you can read free online of Nightmare City book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Nightmare City a good or bad book?
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Rider flinched each time he was touched.
After the ribs the doctor moved to the skull, handling it like a rugby ball. Equally roughly he pulled up Rider’s eyelids one at a time with his thumb and shone a penlight torch into his pupils.
Then he listened to Rider’s heart and lungs by planting a stethoscope on his chest which felt like it had been left in a freezer. The doctor made a few muttered comments about giving up smoking and drinking or death would not be far away. After this he tested Ride
...r’s blood pressure - which was extremely high - with a tourniquet so tight Rider thought his arm might drop off.
The consultant stood up and sniffed haughtily. A nurse handed him a set of X-rays which he held up to the light and inspected. He hummed, muttered to himself and handed them back to her.
Then he regarded Rider over the frame of his pince-nez which were balanced precariously on the tip of his bulbous, pitted nose.
‘How do you feel?’ ‘Like shit,’ said Rider honestly.
‘Only to be expected.

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