Notes On Music in Old Boston

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6 Franklin Street, 30 where he also sold pianos and other instruments until February, 1820. According to The Euterpiady his tal- ented wife, Catherine, was "for many years the only female vocalist in Boston." She died in 1821, and Graupner in 1836.
Graupner was an all-round musician, at home on many instruments, and thirty years of age when, in 1797, he settled in Boston, where from 1798 until 1815 he was "the musical oracle." In 1810 the few instrumentalists of professional experience then liv in Boston, together with a few amateurs, were organ- ized by Graupner into The Philharmonic Society.* He had been oboist in Haydn's orchestra in London in 1 79 1 -1 792, and soon his little orchestra practiced Haydn's symphonies for its own gratification and gave concerts of which that on November 24, 1824, was the last.
Graupner's pioneer work helped to prepare the way for larger things. The publisher in a national sense was yet to come, and there is little doubt that Graupner influenced his early career.

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