Notes On Some Hydromedusae From the Bay of Naples

Cover Notes On Some Hydromedusae From the Bay of Naples
Notes On Some Hydromedusae From the Bay of Naples
Charles Wesley Hargitt
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575 MAN the habitat varies from tide pools to considerable depths, and on fragments of rocks^ shells, etc.
While conforming in most respects to the diagnoses given of the species by Hincks and Allman (op. cit.) in some few points there are differences, though not to my mind of any considerable importance* As to size Hincks gives the height of the hydroid as from 12 to 20 mm, while according to Allman it averages about 6 mm. In my own specimens the height varied from 3 to 6 mm in the expanded co
...ndition. It would seem that Hincks must have had very unusual specimens, or that in some way his figures are incorrect.
A point of most difference is that concerning the location of the gonophores on the hydranth. According to both the previously named observers these bodies arise low upon the body of the hy- dranth and in a single, or sub-verticillate cluster. I have found them arising in several clusters or even singly, at any point or portion of the hydranth, and quite as frequently near the oral as the basal region of the body.

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