Notes On the Hebrew Text of the book of Genesis

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pttjt^in t2DCJD3, lit. 'according to the former custom^ i.e.
as thou wert accustomed to do.
14. "limiT DN 13. Di., following Ewald, § 356 b, cf.
§ 342 b. 2, renders, 'only that thou remember est me, with thee (i.e.
thy self \ when it is well with thee, and wilt shew me kindness' comparing 2 Sam. 5, 6. 2 Kings 23, 9, which are different from this passage, as the DN 'a in both is dependent on a previous verb. Wellhausen emends to ^X ; cf Driver, §1198.
foot-note 2 ; and 23, 13 ; which would remov
...e any difiiculty, IT'tyyi , . . i:m3t DS being a conditional sentence, exactly like 43> 9- 47. 6; see Driver, § 138. i a; M. R., § 26.
CHAP. 40, VERS. 12-21. 289 '7n«. cf. jobi2, 3. 14, 5.
15- "113.1 '^nb^ TOto "i^. • That they should have put me in prison;' cf. Ruth i, 12 imDX '•3 ' that I should have said;' I Sam. 17, 26 b Pl"in ''J ' //^«/ ^^ should have reproached ;' see Driver, § 39. 8. Obs.
16. "'in ''"'D. ^Baskets of white bread.' nn from nin ' to be white,' properly an adj. = ' what is white,' and then applied to what is baked ; so the Arab.

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