Oath Bound (An Unbound Novel)

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Including most of the Tower property, except where the perimeter lights would render my shadow-walking ability null around the exterior of the entire property.
    According to my sisters, motion sensors were scattered throughout the grounds and if triggered, they would activate floodlights, which would both highlight our position and prevent our escape. Fortunately, Kori remembered enough to mark the motion sensors for me on a hand-drawn map of the property. She didn’t think Julia would have go
...tten around to changing the exterior security features, considering that so far, both of their breaches had originated from inside the house itself.
    I held Sera’s hand as we stepped through the dark hall closet and into the cool fall night. Thanks to the moon, stars and lights from the Tower house, nature’s darkness wasn’t as black as the closet, but it was more than dark enough to accommodate my Skill. As we took our first step on Tower’s thick lawn, I had to remind myself to take my hand back.

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Oath Bound (An Unbound Novel)
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