Observations On Aneurism, Selected From the Works of the Principal Writers On That Disease, From the Earliest Periods to the Close of the Last Century

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Observations On Aneurism, Selected From the Works of the Principal Writers On That Disease, From the Earliest Periods to the Close of the Last Century
Erichsen, John Eric, Sir, 1818-1896
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We waited a moment to examine matters, the tour- niquet being loosened, when the blood appeared again. As the two knots were now tied it was impossible to tighten the liga- ture any more.
Some of the surgeons present proposed that the ligature of reserve should be tightened ; others reconmiended the instru- ment, or serre-artere, that had succeeded in the preceding case : to this advice I inclined. I had recourse to the ligature of re- serve, in order to pass the flat band, without, however, re
...moving the ligature of reserve. I cut away the ligature that was already tied, passed the band into the serre-art^e, and, at the first trial, the bleeding was stopped, and did not recur. I tightened the string on the serre-artere, and arranged the instrument as in the last case. The wound was then filled with charpie, and the whole of the dressings were supported by a moderately tight bandage.
At noon on the same day the leg was nearly of its natural temperature, but the foot was cold and insensible; warm spirituous fomentations were employed uninterruptedly.

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