Odd Mom Out

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Robert’s taken the week off. It’s his anniversary, and he and his partner have gone to Costa Rica. I wish I were going to Costa Rica. What I actually wish is that I’d hear from Freedom Bikes. It’s been a couple of weeks, and we should hear something soon, even if it’s just a request to schedule another meeting, give me a budget, and ask for a more detailed proposal. Tuesday, I present a proposal to Trident Conglomerate. I’m not really thrilled about the proposal because I don’t want to get their... account. Trident’s a huge company undergoing tremendous change, which also means tremendous stress. Executives are being laid off quarterly, which is why we’ve been approached about handling their advertising. The last director of sales and marketing was just given the boot, along with the ad agency, and now they’ve got a new (panicked) director who is good at sales but doesn’t have a clue about advertising. Tuesday evening, I get a call from Luke but don’t have time to call him back, as Mom’s disappeared.

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