Official Report of Agreements Made Between the Officials of the Roads Named Herein And the B. of L.E. Committees Representing the Engineers Employed Thereon

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When it is necessary to cut an engine off train to push or assist a train over a hill it shall be considered hill-double, and be paid accord- ingly.
CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD Effective December 24, 1910.
RULE 30. — An Engineer of a train doubling a hill will be paid one hour's time at hourly rates for each double, providing the doubling is not attributable to any fault of the Engineer. One hour at hourly rates will be paid where trains are ordered to back up to get a start for a hil
ARTICLE XXXI. — When an engine is uncoupled from its train and pushes another train over a hill, the Engineer will be paid for a double ; the Engineer on train pushed will not be paid for a double.
RULE 32. — In computing overtime, one hour must be deducted for each double allowed to prevent duplicate payment.
279 CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RAILROAD Effective September 1, 1911.
ARTICLE IV. — When Road Engineers are compelled to double hills or cut off to push a preceding train a distance of one mile or more at the request of Conductor of such train, a minimum allowance of 10 miles will apply; actual mileage if in excess of 10.

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