On the Wallaby; Or, Through the East And Across Australia

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On the Wallaby; Or, Through the East And Across Australia
Boothby, Guy Newell, 1867-1905
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What reading level is On the Wallaby; Or, Through the East And Across Australia book?
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It is purely a question of practical interest, and in proportion as the interests of any influential body of the population are for the time being afiected or not affected by the actual condition of affairs, Separation fever passes through its acute or falls into latent stages. The desire for Separation is always, and, so far as it is possible to judge, gains persistently in force and steadiness through the many fluctuations to which it is subject.
To understand the desire in its general lines
...it is only neces- sary to look at the map. Brisbane, in the southern corner, lying almost upon the boundary of New South Wales, decides the smallest details of government of Cape York. The Digitized by Google 172 ON THE WALLABY distance is very nearly the same as that from London to Gibraltar ; the time which it takes with the present means of communication to go from Brisbane to the furthest point within the colony is within a few hours the same as the time which it takes to go from London to South Africa.

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On the Wallaby; Or, Through the East And Across Australia
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