One Million Steps: a Marine Platoon At War (2014)

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A fresh platoon moved into Fires and spent a week conducting joint operations. On the first patrol, Vic Garcia brought Lt. Chuck Poulton, the new platoon commander, up to P8Q. When a gunfight broke out, Garcia called in Cobra gunships.
“That’s how it is out here,” Garcia said. “Use your supporting arms. Don’t let them breathe.” It was a confusing command environment. When briefing reporters, the high command quietly took credit for urging Special Operations teams to kill more Taliban. But the co
...nventional forces were more restricted.
“I put out a memo [in May of 2011],” Petraeus said, “re-familiarizing all forces with the Tactical Directive.” A year earlier, the Marines had sensed that Petraeus was not going to enforce the Tactical Directive strictly. Over the intervening months, he had gradually relied more on the Special Operations teams to attrite the Taliban. Fire restrictions on conventional forces who were viewed as community organizers again tightened.

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