Opheliac (2014)

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What reading level is Opheliac book?
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Angela said from the living room. “Come on already!”
    Their mother entered, holding a crying preschooler in her arms. “Where are you going?”
    “We both joined this club, and it’s the first meeting, and we’re going to be late if he doesn’t get his butt out here!”
    JD came out, rolling his eyes and throwing a hooded sweatshirt over his torso. “We’ve got plenty of time. Man, I didn’t think you’d be so excited about playing a game.”
    “A game?” Mom asked. “Since when did you two play games
... together? Actually, when did you start doing things together, period?”
    “I lost a bet,” Angela mumbled.
    Her brother shot her a glare. “In all seriousness, it’s something we’re both doing for extra credit at school. Cadence needs the boost in her grades, I’m going for moral support, and like always, Angela is only interested in tagging along because of some guy.”

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