Opinions of the Attorney General ...

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Opinions of the Attorney General ...
Georgia. Dept. of Law
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Swearingen, 12 Oa. 23; Crovatt vs. Mayson, 101 Ga. 246; Dobbs vs. Mayor of Buford, 128 Ga. 483.
As a result of the principle announced above it is clear there has been no valid election for Qounty Digitized by VjOOQIC Report or Attoknby-GbnbbajL. 49 School Commissioner in a county where a person ineligible to hold this office receives a majority of the votes cast for candidates for that particular of- fice. ''In such a case a new election must be held/' Dobbs vs. Mayor of Buf ord, 128 Ga
.... 483.
Yours very truly, H. A. Hall, Attorney-General.
August 15, 1910.
PboJ". S. W. McCallie, State Geologist, State •Capitol.
Dear Sir : — Your letter of the 10th inst., in which you state that a- special appropriation was made to your de- partment by the General Assembly to be used for printing purposes, and in which you inquire if in all cases : the printing of your department must be awarded to the State Printer, duly received.
As I understand your question it is this: Can a Department of the State Government, to which has been made a specific appropriation for printing pur- poses,* make a contract for any of its printing and pay for the same out of such specific fund independ- ent of the Commissioners of Public Printing; or must such Department in all cases make requisition upon the Commissioners of Public Printing for all printing needed f The Constitution of this State, Art.

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