Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1854 [supplement]

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What reading level is Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1854 [supplement] book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

The Coun- cils shall, in joint meeting, and by viva voce vote, appoint all appSnt'^ an the heads of departments' not elective, and shall provide by Department^ ordinance for the appointments of clerks and officers, except the Mayor's clerk, who shall be appointed by the Mayor, and the Marshal's clerk, who shall be appointed by the Marshal — all of whom shall serve for such periods as may be fixed by ordinance, subject to dismissal by the appointing power or superior officer, as such ordinance m...ay provide. The head cierks and officers, how of each department shall nominate, and by and with the ad- appointed.
vice and consent of the Select Council, appoint the clerks and officers in his department. The Mayor shall nominate, ^^tchmTn* and by and with the advice and consent of the Select Council ^"^^pp*'^^*- appoint the policemen and watchmen.
Sect. 10. The qualified voters of the said city shall, on the first Tuesday in May, 1855, and until such election, the pre- sent City Treasurer shall continue to be the City Treasurer, city Trersur- •^ ►'7 er, election of.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1854 [supplement]
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