Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1872

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The Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain, That the Board of Public Educa- tion is hereby authorized to erect a retaining wall and con- struct drainage for the new school house now in course of erection, at Thirty-eighth and Story streets, in the Twenty- fourth Ward, at a cost not exceeding seven hundred dol- lars ; and also to repair and renew the heaters and heating apparatus of the Wyoming School House, in the Thirteenth 320 School Section, at a cost not exceeding ...five hundred dol- lars ; the said sums to be taken out of Item 34:1|, For expenses of removal and fitting up new rooms, of the annual appropriation to the Board of Public Education for 1872.
LOUIS WAGNE-R,, President of Comvnon Council.
Attest — Joseph II. Paist, Assistant Clerk of Select Council.
W. E. LITTLETON, President of Select Council.
Approved this first day of July, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-two, (A. D. 1872.) WM. S. STOKLEY, Mayor of Philadelijhia.
RESOLUTION To authorize the trarawaj'ing of Markham street, Fifteenth Ward.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1872
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