Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1874

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WILSON HENSZEY, President of Gommon Council, Attest — Abraham Stewart, Assistant Clerk of Gommon Council.
R. W. DOWNING, President of Select Council.
Approved this twenty-first day of December, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-four, (A. D. 1874.) WM. S. STOKLEY, Mayor of Philadelphia, 430 EESOLUTION Of instruction to the Chief Commissioner of Highways to notify the owners of property on Amboy street to curb and pave said street.
Resolved hy the Select and Common Councils of the City of
...Philadelphia, That the Chief Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby authorized and directed to notify the owners of property fronting on Amboy street, from Mont- gomery avenue to Berks street, in the Ward, to pave the cartway and footways thereof, and curb the latter at their own cost and expense within twenty days after said notice. Said cartway to be paved with tramway stone in the tracks of the wheels, and if the cartway is wider than is necessary for a single track, to reduce it to the proper width by taking an equal quantity from each side.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1874
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