Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1877

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What reading level is Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1877 book?
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The position of said railroad tracks upon said streets and avenues shall conform to the established grade thereof, and shall, as to plan and character of rail, be ap- proved by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, and Board of Surveyors of the City of Philadelphia ; and it is hereby stipu- lated, that before any of the streets or avenues herein desig- nated are occupied for railroad purposes, that the individual company, and when jointly occupied the joint companies, shall file an obligation with t...he Solicitor of the City of Philadel- phia, protecting the said City from any expense whatever consequent upon, or growing out of the laying, or the use of said railroad tracks hereby authorized.
Sect. 7. That if at any time hereafter it sliall be found that the transit of cars, with steam power or otherwise, over any portion of the streets or avenues herein mentioned south of Callowhill street, is detrimental to the general uses or traffic upon such street or avenue, the Select and Common Councils reserve the right to direct, by ordinance or resolu- tion, that such transportation shall be conducted or carried on only between the hours of six (6) o'clock P.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1877
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