Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1901

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Item 54|-. To place elevator in the High School for Girls, seven thousand five hundred (7,500) doUars.
Item 55. For the purchase of type--\\a'iting machines, re- pairs and supplies for Department of Commerce in Central High School, seven hundred and fifty (750) dollars.
Item 56. To enable the Board of Public Education to ob- tain and award to the meritorious pupils of the Central High School, the Philadelphia Normal School for Girls, the High School for Girls, and the Manual Training Schools, s
...cholarships in universities or colleges, ten thou- sand (10,000) dollars: Frocidfd, That no scholarship shall ■cost more than one hundred (100) dollars per annum for any pupil: Provided, furihcr. That those to whom such scholarships may be awarded shall be free to choose any

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1901
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