Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1902

Cover Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1902
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Item 10. To pay State Hospital for the Insane, South- eastern District of Pennsylvania, one liundred and ten thousand (110,000) dollars.
Item 10-J-. To pay State Hospital for the Insane, South- eastern District of Pennsylvania, deficiency, thirty thou- sand (30,000) dollars.
Item 11. To pay keep of prisoners of Philadelphia in the Eastern Penitentiary, twenty-eight thousand (28,000) dollars.
Item 12. To pay managers toward the expenses of the House of Refuge, fifty thousand (50,000) dollars.
...em 13. To pay officers of the election for the year 1903, seventy-four thousand three hundred and forty (74,340) dollars.
Item 14. To pay clerks and messengers for computing election returns for the year 1903, two thousand (2,000) dollars.
Item 15. Por furnishing stationery, books, blanks, cards of instruction to election officers and sample tickets to voters, assessors' books for two assessments, one in May 289 and one in Decem1)er, printing and binding election tickets for each election division to be used for voting, to pay over- seers of the elections, light and fuel for booths, and mis- cellaneous expenses, forty-five thousand (45,000) dollars.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1902
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