Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1919

Cover Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1919
The book Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1919 was written by author Here you can read free online of Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1919 book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1919 a good or bad book?
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3 at $5,000 2. Chief clerk (without bonus) 1 at 3,000.
3. Superintendent o f 'elections (without bonus) 1 at 3,000 4. Election clerk (with- out bonus) 1 at 2,000 309 5. Election clerk 1 at 1,250 6. Clerk 5 at 1,200 7. Warrant clerk 1 at 1,500 8. Children's agent and investigator 12 at 1,500 9. Supervising- investiga- tor (without bonus) 1 at 3,000 10. Deputy supervising investigator 1 at 2,100 11. Messenger 1 at 900 12. Magistrate 28 at 4,000 A-2. Personal services: attorney for city commission
...ers 2,000 A-3. Personal services: overtime work and specially engaged men at election time 6,000 A-4. Personal services : per diem clerks, regularly employed, S at $4 per diem 10,016 A-5. Personal services: extra clerk hire.. 30,510 Provided, That the City Commissioners may, at their discretion, assign any of the foregoing employees to primary election work, and draw warrants in payment of their salaries, while so employed, against the item for primary election account, and the City Controller is authorized to countersign war- rants so drawn.

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Ordinances of the City of Philadelphia 1919
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