
Cover Origin
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With a few strong words, Ambra had just forced the crew of the EC145 helicopter to make a wide-banking turn and redirect toward the Basílica of the Sagrada Família.
As the aircraft leveled out and began skimming back across the city, Ambra turned to Agent Díaz and demanded the use of his cell phone, which the Guardia agent reluctantly handed over. Ambra promptly launched his browser and began scanning news headlines.
“Damn,” she whispered, shaking her head with frustration. “I tried to tell the
...media you did not kidnap me. Nobody could hear me.”
“Maybe they need more time to post?” Langdon offered. This happened less than ten minutes ago.
“They’ve had enough time,” she replied. “I’m seeing video clips of our helicopter speeding away from Casa Milà.”
Already? Langdon sometimes felt that the world had begun to spin too quickly on its axis. He could still recall when “breaking news” was printed on paper and delivered to his doorstep the following morning.
“By the way,”

What to read after Origin?
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Guest 6 years ago

Great. Fascinating reading. It's time I visited Barcellona.

Guest 6 years ago


Guest 6 years ago

Great ad all of dan brown id

Guest 6 years ago

why you are cheat us
is this Origin
novel by Dan Brown

Guest 6 years ago

Me fart my foot fart fart fart poop

Guest 7 years ago

So Freaking Gay

Guest 6 years ago

ur mom gay

Guest 6 years ago

remember HAL ,misssin three laws of robotic,
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Guest 7 years ago

It's great

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