Our Dancing Days

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Another ballad, now the sleeves are off.
How once there was a man that loved above His fortune, and his love deserted him.
And loving then below his — fortune, what ?
Lady Greensleeves 79 IX Good Friday. Home from the East. The old home now.
And now that Georgia has her boy, my name, A Hampton and a Lee, and by as much Virginia, she will never marry now, Is blossomed into an Aunt, I'm free, I'm off.
It's curious therefore now to take again This journal. Curious too, it's not quite done.
Fifth A
...venue is by a lady . . . well, Distinctly gaj'er, Kegina. The return.
I saw her at Pagliacci, play in play, And yet within ; her glance came quick to me ; Her box was empty when the curtain fell.
Well, will it snow again? It's cold enough.
The valley's rich cold greens and violets Were crisply wrought and stayed in driving glooms When from my train I looked and named it, home.
Ohio orchards, now at prime of bloom.
What chill and kindred echoes in the rain Of that cold sky. And here, from street to street, 80 Our Dancing Days Cold wafts of fragrance, how the lilacs bowed.

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Our Dancing Days
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