Our Lord; Belief in the Deity of Christ

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Our Lord; Belief in the Deity of Christ
Ernst Friedrich Karl Müller
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He will assume the latter who believes Jesus capable of a very strange self-deception over his earthly successes and over the end of his life. But if Jesus really stands as the aim of prophecy he certainly had a clear understanding of the way of redemption. We thus come back again to the personal attitude toward Jesus as the decisive point. But even considered purely historically, it will not be very obvious that a man who often applied to himself the prophecies of the servant of God (Isa. 61. ...1 sq.; see Matt. 11. 5; Luke 4. 18) should also not have found the transition to the fifty-third chapter of the Book of Isaiah.
From an evangelist who interpreted the word "himself took our infirmities" in a quite different sense (Matt. 8. 17; see Isa.
S3- A)r ** were at any rate hardly to be expected that without the precedent of Jesus io Out others, they spoke : Glory" ( i Cor. 2. 8 his exaltation into tl esty (see perhaps Jc In the same dire title which the Pt Peter attributed to him a "Messiah" or question cannot be Jewish idea the exp thing else than a borders on a kind o (Isa.

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Our Lord; Belief in the Deity of Christ
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