Our New Love

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Jack had had his mechanic check out the plane the day before to ensure they wouldn’t run into any issues, and as he helped Savannah with her seat belt, he ran his hands over her belly, then lowered his lips and pressed a kiss to it.
    She brushed his hair off his forehead, and he stayed right there for a moment, reveling in her touch as he always did. He’d met Savannah at a time when he was as low as low could get, and her touch, her smile, her positive energy and deep understanding of all he’
...d been through had helped him heal. She’d shown him how to love again, and in doing so, had brought him back into the arms of his family and back into the world of the living. She’d truly been his angel.
    “You are even more beautiful now than you were an hour ago.”
    “Pfft. You’re such a flirt.”
    “Are you certain you want to do this? I know the doctor isn’t worried, but are you? You’re sure you don’t want to be pampered at the spa instead?”

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