Our Province 16

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We had planned to invite as many down as possible for a real corn roast. These plans were suddenly changed a few weeks ago when a terrific hail storm destroyed most of our crop. Of course, don't ever let a little thing like a special invitation stop you from com- ing down to see us. The James River Local leaves Richmond at 5:15 p.m.
daily. Our boat sei'vice from St.
Emma's to Rock Castle station has no set schedule: so just give us a ring.
You will more than like the "Rock".
But I chastise my b
...ody, and bring it into subjection; lest perhaps when I have preached to others I myself should become a castaway. — 1 Cor.
9, 27.
For we preach not ourselves, but Jesus Christ our Lord; and ourselves your servants through Jesus. — 2 Cor.
9, 27.
123 OUR PROVINCE, SEPTEMBER, 1947 A GLANCE AT OUR BOOKS Latest Thoughts of Two Great Spiritual Writers, by E. Leen, C.S.
Sp., and J. Kearney, C.S.Sp. (Clon- more & Reynolds, Dublin, Price 10/6).
If we weigh books both by their subject matter and by the revela- tion they make of the minds of their authors, this work is of outstanding interest.

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