Our Schools in War Time--And After

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At the same time the spirit of mobilization was present in many a university, college, and technical school. In the cultural college it was the individual who enlisted, as the institution was not of the type whose work directly and definitely counted for important war service. In the universities where courses are given in agriculture, in medicine, in technology, and in practical arts, the institution itself enlisted, in that it offered war-emergency courses.
It is perhaps interesting at this p
...oint to see how response came from these two types of institutions.
In the first instance it came from individuals in the college, which was no more than could be expected of classical colleges, which have for years laid emphasis on the benefits of individualistic training.
In the second instance the vocational colleges, as they are sometimes disparagingly called, responded from the viewpoint of collectivism ; that is, the 84 OUR SCHOOLS IN WAR TIME college as a whole, because of its service depart- ments, was able to offer to the state and to the nation a course of training of immediate military value to the country.

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