Our Viceregal Life in India: Selections From My Journal, 1884-1888

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Our Viceregal Life in India: Selections From My Journal, 1884-1888
Harriot Georgina Blackwood Dufferin And Ava (Marchioness Of)
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He looks upon me as his special friend, and accosts me every moment with * Dekho Mem Sahib,' a sort of Hindustani ' I say.' The camel ride was very amusing ; the beasts were said to be re- markably easy ones, but we were kept jumping up and Digitized by VjOOQIC i885 JEYPOEE 241 down in our seats the whole time, and I was glad we were not going a journey on them. After a quiet dinner we were conducted to the train by all the family, and we had quite a tender farewell from them. I don't know how ...it is, but they inspire a homey feeling and one of personal regard, and we were all very sorry to leave.
There is a kind of straightforward simplicity about all the brothers which is pleasing, and the Maharajah, though very solemn, is most kind. He presented D.
with a Marwar sword just before the train moved, and when it did start we were pelted with masses of flowers by him and by all the people present — a Marwar custom, and their way of wishing one * Godspeed.' The State of Marwar is as big as Ireland, and the Maharajah has about 400,000Z.

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Our Viceregal Life in India: Selections From My Journal, 1884-1888
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