Out of Focus

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“I’m going to bust. That was the best fried chicken I’ve ever had.”
Scott nodded. “Hope you saved room for dessert. Kay makes the best cobblers and seven-layer chocolate cake ever.”
“U-u-u-ugh! No way. I’ll have to take a rain check. I am beyond full.”
He leaned forward. “A rain check? That sounds promising.”
Scott was easy to be with. Small talk had turned into heart-to-heart sharing and laughter during the last hour. Of course, the biggest laugh was over her almost-arrest by his overzealous de
...puty, and he’d assured her that all the evidence had been destroyed.
She was glad to learn that the little four-cell jail was not the official holding area. That portion of the building was part of the National Register of Historical places. Deputy Dan had done her a favor by not putting her in the general population, which was down that hall. It was harder to forgive Deputy Dan, though.
Kasey and Scott made easy conversation. When she mentioned Nick’s accident, she was surprised to hear that he was familiar with the case.

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