Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections)

Cover Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections)
The book Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections) was written by author Here you can read free online of Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections) book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections) a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections) book?
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I stop before the incredulous words can leave my mouth. His face is inches away from my own, my eyes widen as I stare into his. I have never seen eyes so … so beautiful before. They are a rolling, turbulent grey with a startling ring of white silver around them. It takes me a few seconds to catch up to the anger simmering in their frightening depths.
    I suck in a dry breath. My frozen senses suddenly kick into overdrive, I gulp and snap upright, but my gaze remains pinned on the solid wall of
... man crammed inside the narrow rectangle of my maid’s trolley.
    He doesn’t blink, his gaze bores into mine, and grows harder than the steel my granddad use to bend, that had put my father through school. I stop the thought half formed, a tightness that has nothing to do with my sudden fear zaps through me.
    I dart a terrified glance behind me towards the door, it’s about ten feet away. Maybe I can reach it before he is fully free.

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Out of the Fire (Perilous Connections)
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