Outlines of the History of Painting From 1200-1900 A.D.

Cover Outlines of the History of Painting From 1200-1900 A.D.
Outlines of the History of Painting From 1200-1900 A.D.
Mach, Edmund Robert Otto Von, 1870-1927
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And yet he never used them as a medium of expression distinct from the form to which they were attached. A Monet in a photograph has lost that distinctive quality which gives it its value. A Titian is exquisite even in a pho- tograph because of its composition, its action, and sometimes, although not always, its draw- ing. Nevertheless, those who have not seen the originals, however familiar they are with reproductions, do not know Titian; for his greatest achievement is his use of color.
In Ti
...tian everything is natural and orderly in appearance. Tintoretto and Veronese, on the other hand, were fond of the unusual and Digitized by Google ITALIAN PAINTING 105 the surprising. Tintoretto especially gloried in selecting puzzling points of view and in over- coming all ensuing difficulties of light and perspective. The spectator often seems to be stooping and to be looking from an angle at the things portrayed, or to be raised aloft and looking down upon a scene the various occur- rences of which he could not possibly see from an ordinary standpoint.

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Outlines of the History of Painting From 1200-1900 A.D.
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