Painted Ladies (2010)

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It had white aluminum siding and a porch across the front enclosed with jalousie windows. The concrete sidewalk was neatly shoveled, and ice melt had been scattered on it, and on the two steps to the porch door. A white signpost stood beside the door, with a white wooden sign hanging from it that read in black letters:HERZBERG FOUNDATION ART AND JUSTICE I opened the porch door and went in. On the inside front door was a small brass sign that said Office. I opened that door and I was in what must... have once been a living room but was now a reception area with a desk and several chairs, in case you needed to wait. At the desk was the guy I had seen with Missy at the Walford library.
“What can I do for you?” he said.
“You are?” I said.
“Ariel Herzberg,” he said. “And you?”
“Call me Ishmael,” I said. “Your father was Isaac Herzberg.”
Herzberg pushed his swivel chair away from the desk and leaned as far back in the chair as the spring would allow and stared at me.
“Your grandfather was Judah Herzberg,”

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