Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901, May 1 to November 1

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In the Mines Building will be made an extensive exhibit of mines and metallurgy. Minerals will be fully represented, com- prising every production, both ufieful and ornamental, mined from the earth. All parts of the UiiitedSlates and every country of South and Central America, Canada. Mexico and the islands of the sea will contribute specimens for the exhibit. All kinds of machinery used in manipulating ures will be exhibited. The great advantages that the Americas have ovt^r ihe rest of the wo
...rld in the wealth of their minerals, in connection with climatic condition, accessibility, etc., will be clearly illustrated.
Broad, in its scope and slroiig in its educational featureb is tliL' exhibit to be made in the Maiiuiactures and Liberal Arts Building.
The United States produce one-lhlrd of all the manulactures, of the world, though poi^sessing onh' one -twentieth ot the population.
The building in which these exhibits will be shown may therefore be expected to contain tiie greatest variety ol uianulactureci pro- ducts ever brought together, with the possible exception of the World's* Fair exhibits of this class.

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Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901, May 1 to November 1
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