Pandora Gets Heart (2010)

Cover Pandora Gets Heart
Pandora Gets Heart
Carolyn Hennesy
The book Pandora Gets Heart was written by author Here you can read free online of Pandora Gets Heart book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Pandora Gets Heart a good or bad book?
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What reading level is Pandora Gets Heart book?
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“You’ll work here, behind this bar,” Hypatia said, her eyes bulging out of her razor-thin face. Her voice was crisp and she pronounced her words slowly and perfectly. “You will speak to no one except to say that we are serving four delightful wines. A hearty red with a hint of oak and berries. A lighter red, slightly brassy, with a touch of lavender. An amusing pink with lashings of citrus and cedar. And finally a white with hints of fern and a sassy, naughty attitude! The wineskins are not labe...led because that would be tacky, so get familiar with each one before the guests arrive. Get them confused, and I will have you flogged. I’ll send someone to help you.”
    Homer, having said nothing, watched her walk away, then he bent underneath the bar to inspect the wineskins.
    Several minutes later, he heard a voice above him calling hello. Raising his head, he collided with the bar and lifted it off its base.
    “Oh, hey!

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