Parallel Bar Exercises

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Uprise, The underswing and uprise is an effective way of beginning an exercise upon the horizontal bar. Per- form the underswing as described in Figure 1.
From Figure 3, Position 3, continue the swing, and at the end of the back swing pull in toward the bar quickly, keeping arms and body stiff. The greater the swing the easier it is to master this exercise. If one stops at the bar, the tendency is to double up in an undignified manner. If one follows one's inclina- tion he will naturally work i
...nto the next exercise (Figure 5).
Position 1. Position ^2.
Figure 5.
Backward Circle from a Front Resti One who expects to become an advanced worker upon the horizontal bar should practice, practice, practice, at this "short, clear circle." Many things depend upon a good knowledge of it, and nothing looks better than seeing it performed as it ought to be done.
From a front rest, swing back as in figure (Posi- tion 1), with arms and legs straight and back hol- lov/ed.

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