Park And Violet

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Betty murmured laughingly.
It took all of Violet’s efforts to stop glaring at the sight of Park with a nearly hysterical crowd of girls around him. And he was taking it all in, the jerk!
Violet had thought the kissing booth incident between her and Park would get everyone to back off. But if anything, it just seemed to make the unattainable Park appear even more attractive.
She glanced at Betty apologetically when she realized that her friend was still talking. “Sorry. I didn’t quite catch what said.”
Betty laughed. “Of course you didn’t. You’re too busy being jealous.”
Violet could only smile weakly.
With their professor leaving for an emergency call, she and the rest of the class, together with those like Park who were sitting in, had unexpectedly earned a free period.
“You’ve made him human, you see,” her friend continued. “He’s more approachable now.”
“Congratulations to me, then,” she mumbled. Violet’s head dropped onto the cradle of her arms as she slumped over her desk.

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