Parker's Illustrated Hand book of the Great West

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Vote of 1868, Ead. 1,412; Dem. 472.
HENRY COUNTY Is situated in the western part of the State. The face of the country is undulating — neither level or broken — about one-third timber and the remainder prairie. Early settlers hesitated about locating upon the larger prairies, owing to the lack of timber for fuel, but there have since been found extensive banks of coal, and these objections are-removed. So in many parts of this State, it will be observed that where a superficial examination indi
...cates the absence of some important native element of wealth, deep research and thorough investigation generally prove the existence of hidden treasures, which more than compensate for the seeming deficiency. The soil is veiy fertile, and well adapted to all farm- ing purposes. The county is well calculated for stock growing, as timothy, blue-grass, clover, and native praii-ie grass grow finely.
The Independent and Advocate are both published at Clinton.
Pop. 1860, 9,865. Vote of 1868 gave Grant 300 maj.

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