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They were kept under the stairs leading up to the throne.
Stark found them easily, as though he’d known where they were the entire time. He walked to the shattered stairs, pressed his hand against the ice, and a door opened. It hadn’t been visible until that moment.
Vidya stepped out. She looked annoyed. “Where are they?” she asked, scanning the throne room with her wings flared. “Where are the guards who brought us here?”
Deirdre peered around her shoulder to see Niamh sitting under the stairs,
... still struggling to get to her feet. It wasn’t a very large room. They must not have intended to keep many prisoners there.
“Get her out of there,” Stark said.
Deirdre had been operating on her own for so long that it took time to register the fact that he was ordering her. And when she did, she didn’t obey as automatically as she once would have. She just looked at him.
Stark looked back at her.
Something passed between them.
The Brotherhood.
Deirdre had heard Stark’s darkest secret—the secret that even he didn’t know.

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